Wednesday 26 September 2018


1. AI
Artificial Intelligence has been continuing to make its place in the list of top technology trends since quite some years. Its present day tasks of enabling computers to read (studying messages and reports), see (through facial recognition), listen (by enabling Amazon Echo to answer your command), speak ( Siri being able to give you an answer) and even record emotions (through affective computing) will help AI become a technology that no longer needs human intervention to aid its learning.
2. Voice
The future belongs to Voice. Google recently revealed that 20% of the searches on its mobile app and Android services are made by voice, and this number is going to increase in the next few years. The marketers also announced that search by voice will replace keyboards by 2022.
Alexa, Google assistant and Siri have already acquainted us with the power of voice in conducting everyday tasks, the applications have still remained very limited. Here’s a demo video describing the future of Voice technology.
3. NLP
The majority of the businesses employing them to redefine their customer engagement policies. However, by 2020 chatbots would reach a whole different level with the integration of NLP.
4. Blockchain
The rate at which Blockchain is growing has placed it at a pivotal point in the list of top technology trends 2020. Blockchain technology is definitely here to stay. While prevalent in only a handful of industries right now, by 2020 the world will see its mass adoption.
Watch the video to know about Blockchain:-
5. IoT
IoT has been finding itself in the list of up and coming technologies to look out for. Pretty much everything would be made smart in the coming time. There are already a lot of devices, but the IoT is only getting started. IHS has predicted there’ll be over 75 billion total connected devices by 2020.
6. Edge Computing
Edge computing is a computing element where everything from – information processing, content collection, and its delivery are situated close to the source of information. Latency and connectivity challenges, bandwidth restrictions, and higher functionality are some of the benefits that get embedded at the edge of the source.
7. Prescriptive Analysis
While the present time is that of predictive analysis, with software giving out prompts on the basis of users’ behaviour and past interaction, in the coming time, the plethora of collected user data will help businesses in a much different way.
8. 5G
5g will find its place in the market very soon, bringing with itself benefits such as high internet speed, lower latency, and higher capacities. The benefits that will make it a prime technology trend in 2020 and beyond.
9. Facial Recognition
Your face will become the ideal technology partner by 2020. What started with iPhone X with its face ID will be taken ahead by a number of industries who would now be using your face for a series of different applications.
10. Automation
From packaging juice boxes to delivering pizza in self driving vehicles, automation is fast climbing the food chain from doing routine tasks to a lot more complex, decision making tasks.
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